State of Media 2024 – Top 40 Radio

State of Media 2024 – Top 40 Radio

In today’s blog, we dive into what makes Top 40 radio listeners tick.

Harker Bos Group recently conducted an in-depth study, “The State of Media 2024,” surveying over 500 U.S.-based media consumers aged 18 and above. The participants showcased diverse preferences across various media, from Cable/Satellite TV to Music Streaming Services.

We scrutinized age, gender, and lifestyle/work choices, uncovering fascinating insights among different groups, such as distinctions between Office Workers and Hybrid/Remote Workers and Urban versus Suburban/Rural Audiences.


Radio Listening Habits Explored

Our research unveiled that 65% of media consumers tune in to radio at least once a week. Breaking it down, 38% are avid listeners, enjoying radio content 3-5 days per week, while 27% opt for a more laid-back engagement of 1-2 days per week.

When it comes to the preferred time of day for radio consumption, the morning takes the crown, with 52% of participants expressing a preference for this time slot. This not only provides insights into listeners’ morning routines but also offers advertisers and content creators an opportune window to capture their target audience’s attention.


Music Rules

Exploring the varied landscape of radio formats, we discovered that 85% of respondents lean towards music-centric programming. However, the survey also revealed a significant 51% engage with News/Talk radio, showcasing a multifaceted appetite for content. Additionally, 38% of respondents enjoy sports programming, while 22% express a preference for religious content.


Now let’s dive into the Top 40 radio listener….


Top 40 Radio – Listeners

Top 40 listeners are an engaged group. 70% of Top 40 Listeners tune into the radio 3-5 days per week. This is 10 points higher on average than any other music format. They are also a positive bunch. 42% of Top 40 listeners believe Pop songs today are better than they were a few years ago, 25% believe they are the same, 33% say they are worse.


Top 40 Radio – Location & Work

Top 40 listeners are more likely to live in an urban environment than the average radio listener. They are also slightly more likely to work in a hybrid (remote and in-office) than the average radio listener.


Top 40 Radio – Times and Activities

Top 40 listeners overwhelmingly prefer listening to the radio in the morning (64%), and are 12% more likely than the average radio listener to prefer this time. They listen to the radio during a variety of activities, and are more likely to listen to the radio while driving, exercising, working, or relaxing than the average consumer. We see this as representative that Top 40 listeners are simply more engaged with radio across the board, than most radio listeners. They see Top 40 radio as an integral part of their day and believe they are listening to it during all of their activities.

The only time Top 40 listeners do not perceive themselves as more engaged than regular radio listeners is when looking at radio listening duration. They line up with their peers from other formats on almost all duration metrics, including the most typical length of listening 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Top 40 Radio – Reasons

When asked why they listen to the radio, Top 40 listeners are again more enthusiastic than other radio listeners. They almost all say they do it for enjoyment of the content (no surprise when you’re listening to fun, upbeat music!), but they also over index for ever other reason except nostalgia. There is particular emphasis on local content and events, as well as community. Top 40 radio fans want to feel involved and like they are part of the brand.

Top 40 Radio – Listening Methods

Top 40 radio listeners still tune in via traditional, over-the-air radio. However, they are also heavy digital users. They say they listen to the radio via digital methods like their phones, podcasts, streaming, and smart speakers at higher rates than the average radio listener. While this may or may not equate to actual time spent on digital methods, it does show that they perceive themselves to be hip, and part of the digital age.

Top 40 Radio – Genres and Mornings

Top 40 listeners are also more game for a mix of genres than other radio listeners. Three quarters of Top 40 listeners like a mix on genres on their radio stations, which can also be seen in recent crossover hits like “Fast Car” by Luke Combs or “Texas Hold Em” by Beyoncé.

When it comes to mornings, Top 40 listeners are ready to participate and interact! They obviously love music in the mornings but they want to hear every type of content more than the average radio fan, and the majority (68%) participate in contests, call-ins, or interactive segments. Here again, we see the emphasis that Top 40 listeners place on variety, interaction, and community.

Top 40 Conclusions

Top 40 listeners are an exciting bunch of radio listeners. They want variety, and are not afraid to consume radio via any source they can get it. They want to interact with their favorite stations, and they want to hear about their community. Top 40 fans are excited about music and life. Top 40 Radio stations need to focus on creating a relationship with these listeners, and making sure they feel like they are part of the gang.


Katie Miller

Katie Miller is a founder of Crowd React Media and is Vice President of Client Relations at Harker Bos Group.